Voices of the Past

J.E.B. Stuart
General Wade Hampton
President Lincoln
President Davis
General Robert E. Lee
General U.S. Grant
General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
General Leonidas Polk
General Nathan Bedford Forrest
General James Longstreet
General A.P. Hill
General Armistead
General Breckenridge
General Pendelton
General James Kemper
General Stand Watie
General Joe Wheeler
Colonel Walter H. Taylor
Colonel Marshall
Chief Sharpshooter
Color Bearer
Ms. Lucy Pickens

Voices of the Past

Where the Legends Continue… 


Voices of the Past is a format offering equal billing to meeting the War Between the States generals and those civilians of yesteryear who chose to follow a different drum, be it blue or gray.  There were so many great men and women who followed their calling.  Our labors are to bring them back to life and continue the legend.    Our goal is to offer a refection into the past for future generations.  General Robert E. Lee once stated, “It is history that teaches us to hope.”  That very hope is found in education and learning from the mistakes of the past.  We represent the Christian principles of our founding fathers and mothers.  We embrace the sacred principles of yesterday in an effort to pass them on to tomorrow’s generations.  We are nothing more than the voices of the past beseeching the voices of today, to carry the torch of education to future generations.  President Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  That freedom is gained through knowledge from the past, unless the voices are silenced. 



Creed of the Living Historian

"We are people to whom the past is forever speaking. We listen to it because we cannot help ourselves, for the past speaks to us with many voices. Far out of that dark nowhere, which is the time before we were born, men who were flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone, went through fire and storm to break a path to the future. We are part of the future they died for. They are part of the past that brought the future. What they did - the lives they lived, the sacrifices they made, the stories they told and the songs they sung and finally, the deaths they died - make up a part of our own experience. We cannot cut ourselves off from it. It is as real to us as something that happened last week."

If you are Interested in joining  us or in booking ,Please send your inquiries to:
 Jerry R. Parsons- 302 Oakwood Avenue- Pennington Gap, Va 24277
           Colonel Ben Caudill Camp
  Att: The Ole General  Box 1102 Whitesburg, Kentucky 41858